Thursday, May 17, 2012

RefugeeWorks is going Higher!

Growth happens right in front our eyes- sometimes extremely quickly, sometimes at a snail’s pace. Mostly, it happens on a daily basis. Learning, growing, changing, and maturing. My wife and I are expecting our first child in July and through a series of sonograms I have delighted in watching my son go through some of these aforementioned transitions. Like my son, RefugeeWorks has been in a gestation period and we are about to give birth to something new and wonderful.

With fifteen years under our belts, RefugeeWorks has learned a lot, grown in its scope of work, changed to fit the current needs of refugees and those who support them (recertification programming for instance), and matured in its ability to train, assist, and hopefully inspire folks. But just like as my son gets older, at a glance RefugeeWorks will not look the same any more.  However, there are always identifiable characteristics that remain throughout time.

This spring, RefugeeWorks will become Higher. Higher is a fee-for-service job placement agency that will support new Americans (refugees and others) to become self-sufficient, build wealth, and career ladder. We will do this through supporting businesses in developing workforce solutions and by creating welcoming workplaces through on-site cultural competence training. We have a new website that will market new Americans to businesses as a strong, viable workforce, and on-line training programs to support career advancement. However, we will still support refugee service providers through training and technical assistance.

On behalf of the Higher team, we look forward to going through this transition with you. You can start this journey with us by going to for more information.

Jonathan Lucus,
Director of Higher


  1. Jonathan, Congratulations on your son and the new direction of Higher. I'm looking forward to hearing about both of them as they grow and develop!

    Will Higher be focused on a particular geographical region?

    1. Hi Nick! Higher will focus its efforts across the U.S. However, we will have regional representation to ensure effective service provision.

  2. Jonathan, Congratulations on and your team are awesome! I am very excited for your web site launch and to learn more about your new level of service.

    1. Thanks Pam. Hope you are doing well. We appreciate your support!
